
Wednesday Coffee
The Coffee Group meets at 10 am Wednesday mornings from September to June. If you enjoy meeting people, friendship, laughter and of course delicious goodies, we invite you to stop in and take part. There is no cost to attend.

Friendship Group
Our Friendship Group meets at 1 pm on the first Monday of the month from September to June. The group organizes and runs several fundraising events to support many outreach groups. The church's annual Christmas Bazaar is one of their main events, and the popular New To You clothing sale is a great way to update the wardrobe. New members are always welcome. You don't have to be a member of our parish to attend.

Knitting Group
The Knitting group welcomes anyone with an interest in knitting, whether experienced or wishing to learn. They meet in the Parish Hall on the third Thursday of each month from September to June.

St. John's Cemetery is non-denominational and is managed by a board. For all inquiries, please contact the Cemetery Manager Mr. Mark McCullough
or 519.434.8903