Upcoming Events
St. John's holds events annually to assist with outreach, fundraising and building our presence within our community. Look for information about each of these favourite events as details are finalized.

Love Your Neighbour Food Drive
The winter food drive in support of St. Paul's Social Services food bank will run until February 23. The most requested items include coffee, tea, rice, canned meat and fish, beans in tomato sauce (no pork), mac and cheese, peanut butter, plus cans of fruit, vegetables and soup. Monetary donations will be eligible for income tax receipts. Please make cheques payable to St. John's and put St. Paul's food bank in the subject line. There are so many people facing food insecurity - many thanks for your kindness and generosity.

Annual Vestry Meeting
Join us after our Sunday morning service for a light luncheon and the annual Vestry Meeting. This annual meeting is open to the whole congregation to learn from the Parish Council about the 2025 budget, plans for fundraising and other important topics.

Ash Wednesday Service
There will be a special Ash Wednesday service
at 10:30 on Wednesday, March 5.
All are welcome to attend.

New To You Gently Used CLothing Sales
Each spring the Friendship Group collect, sort, price and display a wonderful collection of donated gently used ladies clothing, accessories and jewelry. This sale provides everyone the chance to refresh their wardrobes. Sales are held in the spring and fall, so look for the announcements on our social media sites, our home page and around the local area.